Head and Neck Trauma and Your Vertigo Symptoms – Is There A Connection?
The medical profession has unfortunately had no better success at determining the cause of vertigo than a simple coin toss. It is reported that there is only a 50/50 chance that the specific cause of...
View ArticleCauses of Vertigo in McKinney, TX
Vertigo is frequently the result of an inner ear problem. Some of the most common causes of vertigo include1: BPPV – Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo occurs when small particles of calcium clog...
View ArticleVertigo Relief Without Medication in McKinney TX
Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that usually has four hallmark symptoms – severe dizziness (vertigo), ringing in the ear (tinnitus), loss of hearing, and a feeling of fullness in the...
View ArticleVertigo & Your Brain Stem: the Key to Getting Well?
Dizziness accounts for approximately 5-6% of all trips to the doctor. It affects about 40% of all adults over the age of 40, and becomes more common as people age.1 People may experience only...
View ArticleThe Most Common Type of Vertigo – Understanding BPPV
Vertigo, or a feeling of spinning or whirling around when you aren’t actually moving, can have many different origins. The most common cause of vertigo is known as Benign Paroxysmal Positional...
View ArticleMeniere’s Disease Relief From a Natural Approach
Meniere’s disease is a condition of the inner ear that causes episodes of vertigo, loss of hearing, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and at times, a sensation of fullness or pressure in the ear. Each of...
View ArticleDizziness – Striking Out the Root Cause
Dizziness can be alarming. All of a sudden, you may feel lightheaded or lose your balance. There can be many reasons for a dizzy spell – dehydration, a sudden drop in blood pressure, such as sitting...
View ArticleVertigo, Dizziness & Disequilibrium – A Common Thread
While there are some basic differences between the three, dizziness, vertigo, and disequilibrium are common symptoms that many people pay a visit to their doctor for. Even though the three may share a...
View ArticleGetting to the Cause of Meniere’s Disease in McKinney, TX
For Meniere’s disease sufferers, an attack can disrupt your day when you may least expect it. The sensation of spinning (vertigo), fluctuating hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing in the ear) can come...
View ArticleUnderstanding Meniere’s Disease in McKinney, TX
Meniere’s disease got its name after a French physician proposed a theory about how the bouts of vertigo attacks, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and loss of hearing had their origins in the inner ear...
View ArticleVertigo – Developing an Understanding in McKinney TX
The Vestibular system is responsible for balance. That is why a dysfunction with any part of this system, such as the inner ear, can result in issues like vertigo. What is vertigo? It is the sensation...
View ArticleVertigo – What Is It and Is Relief Available?
Vertigo is the feeling of spinning or rotation of a person or things around him while he is not actually moving. A child spinning around until he gets dizzy is an example of self-imposed vertigo. This...
View ArticleVertigo Can Arise from Past Injuries
Vertigo can be the result of past injuries to the neck that have not been properly cared for. Since many ignore neck injuries and expect them to go away on their own, the initial damage caused to the...
View ArticleVertigo Linked to Head Trauma
Vertigo, the sudden sensation that a person is spinning, is difficult to cope with and even harder to find an actual cause for. Medical doctors are only able to find an underlying reason in...
View ArticleDizziness and Vertigo Relief in McKinney, TX
Dizziness and vertigo can be scary events. Feeling off-balance can affect your ability to not only walk and drive, but it can also affect your quality of life during those attacks. Nausea and vomiting...
View ArticleIdentifying Meniere’s Disease and Finding Relief
Meniere’s disease is a problem of the inner ear and is known for the following combination of symptoms: Ringing in the ear referred to as tinnitus Loss of hearing ability. This can be intermittent in...
View ArticleVertigo—Looking for the Underlying Cause
Often, the reason behind vertigo has to do with bacteria that causes inflammation and swelling of the vestibular nerve. This is called vestibular neuritis, also known as Labyrinthitis. The vestibular...
View ArticleVertigo Care That Provides Lasting Relief
Do you suffer from the condition known as vertigo? This form of dizziness if often described by patients as the feeling that the world is spinning around them. Really it describes any false sensation...
View ArticleWhat Causes the Spinning Sensation of Vertigo?
Vertigo is the feeling that the person or the things around him are spinning when, in fact, there is no movement at all. When the problem is related to head position, this is known as benign paroxysmal...
View ArticleHelp for Those Suffering from Meniere’s
Meniere’s disease typically affects those in the age range of 20-50. Attacks can come on suddenly and last anywhere from 20 minutes to as long as 4 hours. This disrupts the life of the one suffering...
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